This Is America

Purpose: Inspired by Childish Gambino song This Is America

This is America, 
Where nooses are scarier, 
 And the president is daring us, 
To defend the tone of the exterior, 

This is America, 
Where black is a target, 
Police practice on them like a shooting range, 
Load backup clips, 
And let the klan, continue marching, 

This is America, 
Where marijuana a is legal, 
In “some states”, 
But “some states”, 
Have states next to them, 
Where it’s illegal, 
Reminds me of slavery and north freedom, 

This is America, 
Where drugs get legal, 
And we disregard ones placed in America’s hell, 
Because they sold, 
What is now……….legal?! 

This is America, 
Where we talk about serious problems, 
Like who Khloe dating, 
How’s the baby? 
And no love and hip hop people, 

This is America, 
Where we claim to be rich, 
Then divorce our wives, 
And chase status, 
And forget about our kids, 
Important things we neglect, 

This is America….


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