
Still turned on by my past,
Wondering how long does it last,
Yet still relevant is my present,
Though certain times,
My past gets the best,
Of me while I have time to breath,

Guess I’m a slave to it,
And shackles on me, fitting tighter than anklets,
Dying to run from the past,
But I can’t escape it,

Every time I run away, my mind chase it,
Guess it was meant for me to embrace it,
Realizing some pleasures feel good but it’s a bitter fruit,
Slowly poisoning me, I die slowly,
Never knowing this,
Because the pleasure never told me,

So I keep reminding myself,
That good feelings,
Are sometimes, bad for your health,

You fail to function,
You could get so wrapped up,
That nothing matters,

That’s the price of living in a flashback place,
When you live in better,
You can’t operate, the same way,

Because if you do, your hope will wither,
And the definition of insanity in you,
Becomes more clearer,
Doing the same thing, expecting different results,
Sir Isaac Newton quote,

Light a match to your past,
Keep your eyes forward and make a toast to your past,
Boast about how it got you to now,
And never forget the lessons that got you to now,

Take the knowledge and help you project your future,
Take steps today, to help you live the life of your future,
And know this time right now is crucial,
Work hard now but enjoy the present,
So when you look back from the future,
Working hard without play,
You won’t go through it


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