The Scars Remain

My ex cheated on me,
Thought it was love from the start,
but that diminish from me,
Turned out I was her heart,
But physically vacant,
The distance made a difference and the guy near by saw the opportunity and ate it,

I bet she wasn't tasteless,
probably filled with seven spices,
I can't speak on it because she never gave it,
Up to me,
the plate was meant for me,
so eventually,
I'll get the plate if I can deal with the grief,
of an old friend first,
hitting her repeatedly,

I hate second,
If I know you,
feel like I'm hitting the same spot as you,
beating a dead horse is like a poison,

slowly killing myself,
intimacy I see the previous owner,
started comparing our lives and feel frozen,
then turned me into a drunk and I'm overdosing,
vomiting out words that should never be spoken,

my insecurities get revealed,
my vulnerability never gets healed,
this relationship steering without a steering wheel,
we crash into a tree,
it splits you from me,
we never talk again,
I tell myself this is how it's supposed to be,
as I sit distraught and in misery,
blood falling from my cheek,
still got scars from that love like,
remember me....


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