Pressure of Beauty

 She be like,
You don't know what it takes to be,
The prettiest woman that you ever see,
You don't know how much time it be,
For me to look perfectly,
And the pressure that comes,
From looking the best me,

I'm like,
I don't know about your smile,
Tell me about it,
Does it come naturally,
Or does it comes after situations,
You cry about,
I'm like, does your smile,
Hide a deeper you,
Is your beauty a distraction,
From the real you,
Do I believe my eyes and what you telling me,
Or is neither true,
I'm steady searching,
For the real beauty,
Waiting to meet,
The real you,

She's like,
There's insecurities behind my smile,
I ask myself am I beautiful or not,
My thoughts crossing over each other,
Putting my mind in a knot,
Deciding do I show more skin,
To make my beauty...pop,
I always wonder if I'm good enough,
And does he really think I'm cool or just a parking lot,
For his school bus,
What if he doesn't like the fact that my legs close,
What if he used to open doors using no golds,
What if the beautiful me,
He never see,
What if he,
Never truly loves,
The real me,

I'm like,
Lil mama, why you doubt yourself,
It's you and me against the world,
So true love should be felt,
If not,
Push your gas pedal,
Speed away,
From this hell,
And look for someone else,
Because you deserve to be happy,
While true love,
Is felt,
I know I have a school bus,
But my actions will show,
That I will do my best to tow,
Away my hormones,
With a tow truck,
And drop them off the edge of a cliff,
Falling for your love,
I will commit,
To tripping on every day,
'Til I have fallen so much,
That my bruises, never go away,
And the true beauty in you,
Is really just the true you,
That you have to let shine through,
No pressure

Writer: @living_everyday_optimistically (L.E.O.) - Instagram

Fan page: @LJS_Writings - Instagram and Twitter


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