Inspired by Marvin Sapp's "Never Would Have Made It"

Never would have made it,
Would be in the grave if,
That knife was closer,
If that condom wasn’t trustworthy,
If them bullets didn’t call somebody else home,

You have no idea,
How many nights I cried alone,
Because my sins were tucked at home,
While my conscious dome,
Realize God,
Let me walk publicly distant from,

The struggles I struggle with,
When no one talking,
Just the devil at my brain,
Constantly knocking,

I would have never made it to my success,
Went through battles,
Though no visible battle scars,
Just PTSD,
And hidden flaws,

Things still trigger me,
I can’t escape my past,
Only can evolve as a person,
But can never escape my innate ability,
God saved me,
But tug of wars I still see


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