Black is Black

Purpose: No matter the social class you elevate're still treated in some form to the degree of your race..

Colin Kaepernick,
Raising my fist,
Because life didn't give me shit,
And I grew up with some privileges,
But life still reminds me,
I'm black as shit,
Stifled by the knowledge I didn't know,
How the fuck, was I supposed to grow,
Glow up in this world,
When my family never knew the mountain top,
Because we never been exposed,
Lack of privilege,
Make you flat broke,
A veil over your eyes,
Some shit, you would never know,
I'm not scared of my people,
I'm afraid of cops,
Because I know when my own will shoot me,
But the cops mind fuck me with videos,
Of us getting shot because of stereo,
Types that they place on us,
You can do right by the law,
And get popped just because,
I can be a lawyer or doctor,
An innocent black with a proper,
Tone of speech,
But that still don't stop them from shooting me,
To be black,
Is to be a target
Written by @LJS_Writings


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